Letter from the Chancellor

UC Santa Cruz continues on its remarkable trajectory. Over our nearly 60-year history, we have established a track record of groundbreaking multidisciplinary research, high-level teaching, distinguished scholarship, and creativity. We have also built a well-deserved reputation as an institution that works to advance innovation and social justice in all that we do.

Leading the Change

Advancing student and alumni success

Graduate wore a cap with the message: They sacrificed their dreams so I could follow mine first a generation Latina.
Human Y chromosome

Research Impact


UC Santa Cruz Foundation

Message from the Chair, Board of Trustees

Celebrating 50 years of impact! The UC Santa Cruz Foundation has spent five decades advancing philanthropy that fuels student success, innovative teaching, and research that benefits communities worldwide. With the support of donors, we’ve launched transformative programs and continue our unwavering commitment to shaping the future of UC Santa Cruz for generations to come.

Foundation update

The UC Santa Cruz Foundation celebrated its 50th anniversary by awarding Foundation Medals to two visionary leaders: alumna Julie Packard, a pioneering ocean conservationist, and the late Narinder Kapany, the “father of fiber optics.” Chancellor Cynthia Larive honored their exceptional contributions, while Packard also received the prestigious UC Presidential Medal from UC President Michael V. Drake. Both honorees have left a profound impact on the world and served as UC Santa Cruz Foundation board members.

Foundation Board Opportunity Fund furthers innovation

The UC Santa Cruz Foundation’s Board Opportunity Fund (BOF) fuels innovation through seed funding for campus projects and research. In 2024, the BOF awarded $20,000 to support the “Archiving Dolores Huerta’s Legacy” project, a partnership with the Dolores Huerta Foundation. This initiative offers students hands-on archival training and engagement with civil rights and feminist history. The BOF’s support also helped secure a $1 million national grant, amplifying the impact of Latinx studies at UC Santa Cruz, a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI).

By the numbers


Philanthropy, FY24

Endowment (UCSC Foundation and Regents)







Student Success Initiative

$62M dollars

raised since 2021

Giving Day

>$1.5M raised from 5000+ donors on Giving Day

Fundraising totals by division, FY24

$1,001,547 | Arts

$9,635,266 | Baskin Engineering

$10,201,245 | Humanities

$23,979,000 | Physical and Biological Sciences

$5,109,387 | Social Sciences

$958,248 | Library

$20,811,289 | Other Programs*

* Other university programs: Graduate Division, Student Success, Undergraduate Education, and more.

Fundraising totals by year, FY19 – 24 ($)

Graphs: Left side starting 40M, 50M, 60M,70M,80M and bottom FY19-FY24: Graph from 40M t0 71.7M
Mark Delos Reyes Davis, Vice Chancellor for University Advancement

Philanthropy plays a vital role in strengthening and advancing the mission of UC Santa Cruz, and I am deeply thankful for our generous donors who provided $71.7 million in support this past year.

This total is a 20 percent increase over last year and is our second highest year to date for fundraising. Our supporters, through scholarships, fellowships, and other gifts, are helping students focus on their education and take part in hands-on learning opportunities that will help them compete for internships and jumpstart their professional careers. Philanthropic support also enables our researchers to develop solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges that will provide worldwide benefits.

UC Santa Cruz is an amazing institution, advanced by supporters like you who are inspired by our past accomplishments, excited about our aspirations, and eager to increase our collective impact.


Mark Delos Reyes Davis
President, UC Santa Cruz Foundation, and
Vice Chancellor for University Advancement

Last modified: Oct 11, 2024